1. Over The Counter Medication.
There are lost of over the counter medication that you can have in the nearest health stores near you. You can choose from various brands and medicines such as the salicylic acid like the Stri-dex or benzoyl peroxide like the Neutrogena On-The-Spot. For more efficient however harsher cure, you can take the Clearasil Adult Care which is a sulfur or resorcinol. Most of the acne treatments works through breaking the new breakouts, and should be employed over a phase of weeks or even months. Although you start to see development, carry on the treatment. Go after each of the instructions on the wrap up or as arranged by your dermatologist.
2. Natural Medications.
For you to have safer way to prevent acne, then this natural alternative is a good option that you can take. There are lots of herbs that can help you get rid of acne and have acne no more skin. A wash of milk is a great treatment for acne. You can bring a glass of milk then boil it. When the milk cools down, you can wash your face with it. A raw potato is inexpensive and excellent acne natural cure, particularly for whiteheads. Vitamin C that it contains can make your skin glow, plus the alkaline in the potato which kills the bacteria residing in your face.
Well, these are just the alternative that you can choose from for you to be able to get rid of acne. You can find more acne cure when you read Acne Free In 3 Days books which a relative gives me last week. It states all the cures and medications that you can take for you to have a healthy and glowing skin.
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