This can lead to some health risks; one of these health risks is cancer. Ionizing radiation is generally used as an integral part of a cancer treatment. When ionizing radiation is used in the midst of cancer treatment it's meant to control the malignant cells. Ionizing radiation is sometimes referred to as radiotherapy or radiation oncology.
The Forms of Treatment:
Radiation Therapy can be both curative and adjuvant. Curative treatment is intended to cure. Adjuvant treatment is intended as an additional treatment. It is usually given after the primary treatment is completed. It is intendedto decrease the risk of cancer coming back after treatment.
Adjuvant therapy types include: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, or biological therapy. They are used as a palliative treatment. They are also used as a therapeutic treatment. Palliative treatments are an attempt to control local disease and/or relieve symptoms when no cure is available. Therapeutic treatments are meant to increase survival rates or, potentially, provide a cure.
Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is a form of radiation therapy. It is often used in combination with surgery, chemotherapy or hormone therapies to generate the most effective treatment plans. Most types of common cancer can be treated by radiotherapy in one way or another. The type of tumor being treated, the location of the tumor and the patient's general health determine treatment intent.
One of the main aspects of treatments for a variety of cancer types is radiation therapy. It is a main aspect of treatment for cancers of: the head/neck, lung, bladder, breast, and prostrate. It also an effective treatment for Hodgkin disease. The therapy can be administered both internally and externally dependent upon the needs of the patient and the type of cancer being treated. 1000's of patients are able to take advantage of radiation therapy and enjoy being cancer-free as a result. In some cases results are due to radiation therapy alone and in other cases results are due to radiation therapy in combination with other effective treatments like surgery and/or chemo.
Radiation Therapy Recovery Time:
Radiation therapy can provide improvement of the quality of life for many patients. It can also decrease symptoms and increase the survival rate. Recovery times vary. Recovery times will depend upon the type of radiation therapy being administered in addition to many other elements and variables.
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