Is acne curable or controllable?

What options do you have on the table…

Acne is one of the most frequently occurring skin disorders that can affect people of all races, genders and ages. With millions of people affected with acne worldwide each year, the most important questions for the acne sufferers are “Can I successfully treat this problem or will I ever be able to get rid of acne completely?”
The good news, however, is that while acne is still considered “medically incurable”, there are some good natural ways of “controlling acne permanently and completely”. The following review focuses on different treatment options available for those who suffer from acne.

Medical therapy
Depending on the severity and type of acne you may be prescribed a medicine to be applied topically, taken orally, or both. Some of these medicines commonly include:
1- Topical retinoids for treating comedones (blackheads). However, they have limited benefit for inflammatory lesions such as pustules or cysts.
2- Topical antimicrobials (Benzoyl peroxide) help to reduce skin bacteria and provide good results in mild acne (pustules/pimples) but can be irritating to the skin.
3- Antibiotic therapy is generally done in moderate to severe acne. Topical antibiotics (e.g. Cleocin-T, Benzamycin) are often helpful for mild cases of acne. Oral antibiotics (tetracycline, erythromycin) have been used for years but have various side effects.

If you have scarring, your dermatologist may suggest surgery to help heal acne lesions and remove scarring. A laser can reshape scar tissue and reduce redness. Dermabrasion is a type of surgery that can remove surface scars and reduce the depth of deep scars. Another option is to transfer fat from one part of the body to the face. In some cases, a single treatment can help scarring. But for lasting results, several are often needed.

Can more serious forms of acne be treated?
For more serious forms of acne that do not respond to OTCs or natural treatments, you should work with your doctor to find the best treatment.
All in all, while it is true that there has been no “medical cure” available for acne to date, various other options are rapidly emerging in the market with promising results. If you want to try one of such options, you must do your own research to find what will suit you the best.

Other Options

• Clear Skin MAX Uses clinically proven Tea Tree Oil
• Clear Skin MAX is endorsed by Dr. Abidi
• Clear Skin MAX offers a 180 day money back guarantee
• Clear Skin MAX does not dry out your skin
• Clear Skin MAX uses Tava anti acne tea to clear your body from inside out
• Clear Skin MAX fights acne from multiple angles
• Clear Skin MAX opens your pores and ensures you remove the dirt buried deep inside
• No more blackheads guaranteed with Clear Skin MAX
• Adult acne is more common than you think. Clear Skin MAX cures it for many adults!
• Clear Skin MAX has been designed from the ground up to be the most effective anti acne product available.


  1. Acne is one of the most frequently occurring skin disorders that can affect people of all races, genders and ages.

  2. This is a must-read article.!!!

  3. Acne is not totally curable but it can be reduced by taking care. you have to avoid food made from oil. Spicy food also not advisable to eat. Wash your face many times. Use oil free products for face. Avoid dust and pollution.

  4. Acne is a skin condition that affects nearly everyone at some point or another. Whether it is large, continuous patches of red and inflamed pustules or an occasional single small red blemish, acne creates emotional distress. Poor skin care causes some acne, but hormones and genetics cause the majority of acne, especially teen acne.

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  10. yes right now its a big issue . as now weather changing on exery time and also becoz of pollution .

  11. My younger sister also suffering from sever acne problem,when she will apply some medicines it will disappear for some days but again it will come back.

  12. I consider myself a very lucky person, because I did not have to go through this horrible period. I always felt sorry for my friends, and I always hoped that there will be a solution someday. I am glad to hear that treatment already exists, and at least I can help my future children.

  13. thank you very much for this post. I am very glad to hear that now is possible to treath the acne problems. it is something very bad especially for a teenager.

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  15. Acne is a very painful condition and nearly all people expierience it once in a lifetime

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