The constant ringing and rustling noises that were sounding in my ears were, of course, driving me up the wall. About 5 years ago, these ear noises began during a trip and I sought medical attention as soon as I got home. I didn't know it at the time, but I had tinnitus. How To Stop Ringing Of The Ears
Over the course of the next couple of years I've seen/had:
* 2 family doctors
* 3 ENT's
* an Audiologist
* ear drops
* a tube insertion in one ear
* anti-inflammatory prescriptions
* various hearing tests
* an MRI
* a CT scan
Can you relate? This was pretty crazy. Of course none of the treatments worked, the prescription made me nauseous, and the tests didn't find anything wrong with my ears. I was perfectly fine, right? Wrong!
There had to be a solution for this, someone out there must know how I can stop the ringing in my ears. At that point in time I wanted to learn if there was anything available that I myself could do to cure my tinnitus. Specifically, I wanted to learn about any natural ways to get tinnitus relief.
I didn't want any more doctor appointments, medications, surgery, or any drastic life-changing "cures". All I was finding were those "quick tinnitus cures" and "instant relief from tinnitus" which, of course, all sounded too good to be true so I didn't pursue them. How To Stop Ringing Of The Ears
Tinnitus - The Solution
After much researching, I finally found something that actually sounded promising - a pure, natural, wholesome, and healthful tinnitus treatment plan that will greatly reduce or eliminate my ear noise!
This solution provides natural ways to get tinnitus relief and is based on 14 years of proven research. It does require some manageable effort and commitment and they say that results can be evident after just 1 week (although it took me longer).
3 of the ways for getting effective tinnitus treatment are listed here:
1. Diet - proven good and bad foods to eat:
a) Good foods - yogurt, grains, garlic, carrots, soy
b) Bad foods - saturated fats, salt, cocoa (oh no!), colas
2. Herbal Supplements - found in most health food stores
a) Gingko Biloba - promotes blood flow and circulation in inner ear
b) Goldenseal Hydrastus - relieves pounding sound in the ears
c) Lycopodium - helps reduce echoing sounds in the ears
3. Vitamin Supplements
a) Vitamin B (B-21, B-6, B-12) - reduces ear pressure and the pounding sounds
b) Vitamin E - increases circulation which reduces Tinnitus noise
c) Vitamin A - lowers Tinnitus noise sensitivity
This information will not only get rid of your tinnitus but will also add to your overall energy level and make you a healthier person. This is totally natural and NO prescriptions
are involved. I especially liked the fact that I didn't have to pay any more co-pays at the doctors' offices! How To Stop Ringing Of The Ears
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